Friday, February 28, 2020


“Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning.”

  • My body is a beautiful creation that changes and grows.
  • I choose actions, food, and ideas that help me stand taller and stronger.
  • Each day, my body can heal itself.
  • I fill my mind and body with light and love.
  • I exercise to greater understand my body.
  • I send loving kindness to each organ and area of my brain.
  • Peace with my body inspires others to find peace for their own.
  • Feeding my mind feeds my body.
  • I am allowed to take the time to heal.
  • I will listen to what my body is trying to tell me.
  • I will seek help when I cannot help myself.
  • My health standards come before anyone else’s beauty standards.
  • I will check in with myself and give my body what it needs.
  • When I feed my body well, I am more capable to connect with those around me.
  • Today, I will speak kindly to my body.
  • I am thankful for my abilities.
  • I will proceed through my day with determination, not judgment.
  • I set my own standards and benchmarks.
  • My mental and physical health comes before my career.
  • I will find new ways to support the health of those around me.

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