Monday, October 29, 2018



1.  Sogbae Nigeria Limited is maintaining a petty cash book with the following analysis
    column: postage, transport, general expenses, advertisement and fuel.
   The cashier is given a cash float of N50,000, reimbursement being made to cashier at the
    end of each week.
   The following transactions took place:
   July 16, 2018  Postage stamps purchased N3,500.
   July 16, 2018  Fare on delivery parcel  N2,500.
   July 17, 2018  Cost of registration letter  N9,500.
   July 18, 2018  Petrol for van  N7,500.
   July 19, 2018  Advertisement on local Newspaper  N10,000.
   July 19, 2018  Paid creditor  N10,000.
   July 20, 2018  Paid for tea and milk for office staff  N5,500.
   July 23, 2018  Petrol and oil for van  N7,500.
   July 23, 2018  Postage on parcel  N2,500.
   July 24, 2018  Traveller`s order book bought  N4,000.
   July 25, 2018  Paid creditor  N10,000.
   July 26, 2018  Transport fare to Ikoyi N5,000.
   July 26, 2018  Paid officer cleaners  N6,000.
   July 27, 2018  Cash count N15,000.
   From the knowledge acquired through the study of petty cash book, you are required
   to :
(a)    Prepare petty cash book from the above information.   
(b)   How much is the reimbursement for:
i.                    Third week of July 2018.                                                
ii.                  Four week of July 2018.                                  
i.                    Third week of July 2018 is from July 16, 2018 to July 22, 2018.
ii.                  Fourth week of July 2018 is from July 23, 2018 to July 29, 2018

2. You are required to prepare a trial balance as at 31st December 2017.
      The following balances were extracted from the books of Aseye Nigeria Limited on
       31st December, 2017.
Premises                                                                      150,000
Motor Vans                                                                   27,810
Capital 1st January, 2016                                            483,720
Advertising                                                                     3,810
Postage                                                                            4,140
Purchases                                                                 2,054,550
Electricity                                                                        2,730
Salaries                                                                          85,110
Tenement Rate                                                                3,030
Telephone                                                                        1,020
Furniture                                                                       33,120
Sales                                                                         2,204,940
Return inwards                                                               1,680                            
Return outwards                                                           11,760
Bad Debts                                                                         780
Insurance                                                                        5,760
Commissions received                                                  52,500
Debtors                                                                       146,460
Creditors                                                                     252,150
Cash in hand                                                                 10,560
Bank                                                                            113,760
Stock 1st January, 2016                                              360,750

3.  Book-Keeping is to Accounting, what ICT is to Computing? Discuss   

4.  Define source documents and list ten source documents that are known to you.

5.   The following information has been given to you about factory plant and machinery of
       Ajimatanraeje Nigeria Limited.
        Cost                     N5 million
        Scrap value          N250,000
        Useful life           5 years
        As a student of Lagos City Computer College, you are required to calculate the annual
        depreciation charges for each year using:
        (a)  Straight-line Method                                               
        (b) Reducing Balance Method                           
        (c)  Sum of the year Digit Method                                      

6.  Write short note on the following:
  1. Entity Concept                                             
  2. Going Concern Concept                                
  3. Periodicity                                                    
  4. Matching Concept                                       
  5. Materiality                                                

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