Friday, February 28, 2020


“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

  • Today I plant the seeds for the life I long to live.
  • I am open and willing to flow with life’s changes.
  • I build a space of calm and clarity all around me.
  • My creativity is precious and unique.
  • One activity at a time; there is no need to rush.
  • No one can distract me from this moment but me.
  • I am supported in my work and goals.
  • Today, I will see the world with enthusiasm and curiosity.
  • My breath is an entryway to a place of inner calm.
  • I will seek the sacred in the ordinary.
  • Each person I meet is a friend and fellow world traveler.
  • I am capable of small positive changes.
  • Balance in all things brings peace and contentment.
  • Today, I will create something new.
  • My mind longs for new information and growth.
  • Acts of kindness ripple through the world.
  • My compassion does not go unnoticed.
  • Time is never wasted when I am fully present.
  • Today, I will step outside my comfort zone.
  • Setting goals for the future gives me direction in the present.
  • My five senses are a doorway to the present moment.
  • I will heal by connecting with others.
  • I am a constant work in progress, and that is okay.

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