Saturday, October 20, 2018


1.  (a) Enumerate ten source documents .
     (b) List five types of subsidiary books
     (c)  Write short note on:
            i.  Real Accounts                     ii.  Nominal Accounts      iii.  Personal accounts

2. (a) Define depreciation in accordance with IAS 4 and state six methods of depreciation you
    (b) State five causes for depreciation.
    (c)  The following information has been given to you about Ayegbaogbon Nigeria
        Limited`s factory plant and machinery.
      Cost                       N5 million
      Scrap value            N250,000
      Useful life             5 years
      You are required to calculate the annual depreciation charges for each year using:
      (i)   Straight-line Method                      (ii) Reducing Balance Method

3. (a) Explain the uses of accounting information to the following stakeholders:
            i. Management
            ii. Employees
            iii. Investors
            iv.  Creditors
            v.  Government
    (b) “Book-Keeping is to Accounting, what ICT is to computing?” Discuss.

4. (a) Define Bank Reconciliation Statement.
    (b) What are the causes of bank reconciliation statement?
    (c) On 31st December 2017, Brits cash book showed a debit balance of N29,520.
          His bank statement showed a credit balance of N25,260.
          The reasons for the difference were follow:
i.                    A cheque of N1,960 was received and entered in the cash book but was not recorded in the bank statement.
ii.                  Unpresented cheques totalled N3,740.
iii.                The payment side of the cash book had been undercasted by N2,000.
iv.                Standing order for N1,260 appearing in the bank statement was yet to be posted in the cash book.
v.                  A bill of exchange of N1,340 had matured and the bank had paid on Brits` behalf but it had not been recorded in the cash book.
vi.                A withdrawal of N1,440 by breath, another customer of the bank had been charged in error to Brits account.
You are required to prepare:
i.                    Adjusted cash book
ii.                  Bank Reconciliation Statement.

5. (a)  List and explain five accounting concepts and two accounting conventions.
    (b)  List six qualities of a good financial accounting information.
    (c)  Distinguish between accrued expenses and prepaid expenses.

6. (a) What do you understand by the term suspense account?
    (b) List two errors not affecting trial balance and two errors affecting trial balance.
    (c) The following errors were discovered in the books of Blessing and Co. in the month of
         January 2018.
i.                    Sales day book was understated by N5,000.
ii.                  Cash sales of N40,000 was not recorded in the books at all.
iii.                Sales of N60,000 for motor vehicle was recorded in the sales account of the company.
iv.                A figure of N753 was posted into the debit of Gabriel`s account as N735.
v.                  Amount of N5,000 discount allowed was posted to the credit side of discount received account.
           You are required to use Journal entries to correct the above errors.
7.   (a) List and explain six needs for accounting.
     (b) List ten users of financial statement information.   

8.   (a) State five causes for depreciation with six methods of depreciation you know.
     (b) The following information has been given to you about factory plant and machinery of
      Motirigbo Nigeria Limited.
      Cost                       N25 million
      Scrap value            N1.25 million
      Useful life             5years
      You are required to calculate the annual depreciation charges for each year using:
      (i) Reducing Balance Method       (ii) Sum of the year Digit Method

9.    Efura started a photographic business under the business name Efura Special Photos in
May, 2018. The following transactions relate to the first month of operation.
May 1     Paid N200,000 into bank.
May 5     Withdrew cash N90,000 from bank.
May 7     Bought two brand new cameras for N30,000 cash.
May 9     Paid cash for supplies N45,000
May 11  Purchased office equipment with cheque N25,000.
May 13  Received cash for work done N56,000.
May 15  Bought supplies with cash N10,000
May 18  Paid cash for repair of equipment N15,000.
May 21  Withdrew cash for personal use N12,000.
May 23  Paid telephone bills for the month N6,600 by cheque.
May 25  Delivered 100 pieces of pictures at N200 on credit to customers.
May 27  Received N76,000 cash from customers.
May 28  Bought supplies with cash N5,000.
You are required to prepare the two-column cash book for Efura for the month of May, 2018.

10.  (a)  Enumerate seven accounting concepts and three accounting convention you know.
     (b)  Classify the underlisted ledger accounts into capital and recurrent.
            i. Depreciation Account
            ii. Interest Paid Account
            iii. Goodwill Account
            iv. Discount Received
            v.  Office Building Account
            vi. Patent and Trade Marks Account
            vii. Purchase Account
            viii. Rent of Warehouse Account
            ix. Salaries and Wages Accounts
            x.  Furniture and Fittings Account

11. (a) Define a trial balance and state six types of errors which do not affect the agreement of
          trial balance.
    (b) You are required to prepare a trial balance.
          The following balances were extracted from the books of Foyegbe and sons on 31st
          December, 2017.
Premises                                                                      150,000
Motor Vans                                                                   27,810
Capital                                                                         483,720
Advertising                                                                     3,810
Postage                                                                            4,140
Purchases                                                                 2,054,550
Electricity                                                                        2,730
Salaries                                                                          85,110
Tenement Rate                                                                3,030
Telephone                                                                        1,020
Furniture                                                                       33,120
Sales                                                                         2,204,940
Sales Returns                                                                 1,680                            
Purchases Returns                                                         11,760
Bad Debts                                                                          780
Insurance                                                                         5,760
Commissions received                                                  52,500
Debtors                                                                       146,460
Creditors                                                                     252,150
Cash in hand                                                                 10,560
Bank                                                                            113,760
Stock                                                                           360,750

12. The following balances were extracted from the books of Sogbae and Son on 31st August 2018.
Purchases                                                     100,250
Capital                                                             41,000
Returns Outwards                                               340
Land and Building                                         14,000
Loan                                                               32,000
Stationery                                                        1,260
Drawings                                                             180
Insurance                                                             940
Advertisement                                                    420
Debtors                                                          10,000
Carriage Outwards                                              220
Motor Van                                                      2,050
Machinery                                                      24,280
Creditors                                                        14,000
Fixtures and Fittings                                      39,830
Returns Inwards                                                 730
Discounts Allowed                                             160
Rent                                                                    260
Commission Receivable                                  1,400
General Expenses                                            2,260
Sales                                                             141,000
Equipment                                                      32,000
Discount Received                                              600
Salaries                                                             1,500
Required: Prepare a trial balance as at 31st August, 2018 for Sogbae and Sons.

13. (a) What do you understand by  a trial balance?
(b) The following balances were extracted from the books of Felefele Laye and Sons on 31st December, 2018.
Capital                                           380,000
Insurance                                              235
Cash                                               311,515
Bank                                                 81.750
Motor Van                                      100,000
Sales                                                   8,150
Drawings                                            3,500
Purchases                                            6,250
Loan-Queen Aaliyat                        120,000
Returns Inwards                                     150
Returns Outwards                                   300
Debtor-David                                          500
Creditors-Totland                                 1,200
Furniture and fittings                            5,750
You are required to prepare a trial balance as at December, 2018.


For more questions and enquiries call Patriot Odunaro B.J  on 08038454008
                                                           Knowledge is power!

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