Saturday, October 20, 2018


Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket.
For in my wallet is my transport fare
If you do, I will have to walk home
Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket.
In my wallet is my tuition fee
If you do, I will have to drop out of school
Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket.
In my wallet is my wife’s dowry
If you do, I will remain single.
Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket
In my wallet is my feeding money.
If you do, I will stay hungry

Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket.
In my wallet, is your green card.
If you do, you cannot get to America.
Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket
In my wallet is your CV.
If you do, you cannot get a job.
Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket.
In my wallet, are your senses.
If you do, you will remain senseless.
Pickpocket, do not pick my pocket.
In my wallet is your salvation
If you do, you will go to hell.

So, Sogbae my people! Remain focus.
Don`t allow laziness to pick your dreams.
Don!t rely on human being for any thing.
Pickpocket! Pickpocket!! Pickpocket!!!
Pickpocket will not pick your time.
Time is money.
Make use of your time.
Gossiping is a time stealer, beware! 
So, my people sogbae!
He who finds information finds life.
         Patriot Odunaro B.J.

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