Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Shab e-Miraj 2018 is TODAY! What is the Muslim festival all about and how is it celebrated?
The festival is the day Muslims celebrate Muhammad's journey to paradise to gain wisdom from Allah.
SHAB e-Miraj is one of the key dates in the Islamic calendar and celebrated by Muslim's around the world.
Here's all you need to know about the holiday.

Here is all you need to know about the Islamic festival of Shab e-Meraj

What is Shab e-Miraj?

According to Islamic tradition, Shab-e-Miraj is the “Night of Ascent.”
This is when Muslims believe Muhammad transcended his physical and spiritual form to become closer to Allah and achieve a spiritual state that humans could never fully understand.
The ascent, confirmed the status of the Prophet in paradise.
In the Islamic tradition it is said to be an area of heaven where not even the angels can tread.
It is believed that he continued his journey all the way to the “Throne of Allah” where he drank from the fountain of knowledge.
He would later come back to earth to impart some of this knowledge to the early Muslims, it is said.

When is Shab e-Miraj 2018?

The date of Shab e-Miraj changes each year in accordance with the lunar calendar.
This year the date of the celebration is Friday April 13.

How is Shab e-Miraj celebrated?

The traditions & customs of Shab e-Miraj vary from country to country and from denomination to denomination.

Millions of Muslims is celebrating Shab e-Miraj today all over the world.

 Alihamdulillahi Robbil Alamin
Laillah Kafi Laillah Safi Laillah! Let Pray.............................................Amin Kunfayakun!


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